Al Tsai

“My Minnesota Asian Story”

Al Tsai

Apple Valley, Minnesota | Taiwanese | he/him/his

My name is Al and I am a first generation Taiwanese American from the Pacific Northwest. Moving to Minnesota has meant many things to my family; as an Asian-White couple and mixed-race family. It has meant choosing big change. We moved from a moderate climate to a frigid climate, an inner city-urban setting to a suburban-agricultural setting, and from having a community to having to find a new community. Our new community is more homogenous than before. I have never felt more foreign to my surroundings than I do now.

That being said, Minnesota has surprised me. I have found inspiration from like-minded folks, both Asian-American and others, working to ensure the voice of immigrants and minorities is heard in our community. These include religious leaders, legislators, community activists, and other passionate people. Being in a mixed-race couple, we have found footing; allowing us to bridge, listen, and talk to two communities and cultures.

Among deaf ears and empty words, I have found encouragement in listening ears and substantial words. For as many as there are resisting to change the majority narrative, I have found inspiration from those who are willing to take a hard look at themselves, work towards changing their communities, and their interpersonal relationships to reflect a better narrative: one that better speaks for all Americans and not just the few.

For sure, there were a lot of snow when we moved here, but I also unexpectedly found inspiring people from all backgrounds. And that – is my Minnesota Asian Story. Thank you, Minnesota!

#MinneAsianStories Series

Read all four series of stories below.

Beyond the Myths & Monolith


Power of Me


This is Home


Hello Neighbor


This entry was posted on July 27, 2020 by MinneAsianStories Community

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