November 16, 2020 to November 20, 2020
This Thursday, November 19, 2020, Minnesotans will come together for Give to the Max Day (GTMD) to generously support nonprofits from across the state. Will you donate to CAAL and join us in investing in each other and our whole communities?
This GTMD we celebrate the incredible power of our community! Despite all of the obstacles we faced this year, we organized and provided resources to address the urgent needs in our communities. And, we powered up the community to turn out to vote in record numbers for democracy, a more just future, and for each other. Together, we made incredible strides as Asian Minnesotan leaders in our community.
We know our work cannot be done alone, and your support helps us continue to meet urgent community needs, and enables us to keep fighting for a future where Asian Minnesotans can achieve their full potential.
No need to wait for Thursday, November 19. Make your donation today!
With gratitude,
Julia Gay
Communications and Marketing Coordinator

November Economics Work Group Meeting
Monday, November 16, 2020 from 5:00-6:00 PM
As you know CAAL continues to urge our government and private institutions to collect and use disaggregated data that more accurately reflects Asian Minnesotan experiences. This year is no different. The pandemic has taken a toll on our communities and we still are not seeing our stories reflected in data. This past summer CAAL conducted a small survey with a handful of Asian Minnesotan businesses to assess the impact of the pandemic. We invite you to come learn the results of the survey and hear from leaders on how we can rebuild together. Please register to join us!
State of Asian Minnesotans: Rising Up Together
Thursday, December, 10th, 2020 from 3:00 PM to 4:30 PM!
The current state of our country demands that we act intentionally to rise up together. Let’s explore solutions that change how we envision community-care and ensure that resources are accessible to our most vulnerable communities. We will hear from Karen leaders, one of the more recent refugee groups to Minnesota, about how they are building their community in the face of many challenges. We will also discuss themes from webinars, highlighting historic moments that demonstrated how we have risen up together against oppressive systems that harm our communities. Your participation will help us develop tangible steps towards building a thriving Asian Minnesotan community. Register today!
Ethnic Studies Courses Now Required for Graduation from Minneapolis Public Schools
We applaud the Minneapolis Board of Education for unanimously passing the Ethnic Studies Requirement policy. On November 10th, the Board voted to make a 1-semester ethnic studies course a high school graduation requirement. The discipline of ethnic studies emerged in the Civil Rights Movement and is tied to the much longer history of BIPOC demands for racial and educational justice. In Minneapolis, students, families, and community members have been publicly advocating for ethnic studies since at least the 1970s. Ethnic studies courses were previously offered for elective credit at various schools. This new policy means that all students, beginning with those in 9th grade in 2021-22, will have the opportunity to choose from a menu of ethnic studies courses. For more information about ethnic studies and course offerings in Minneapolis Public Schools, please see their website.
CAAL is a member of the Ethnic Studies Coalition which aims to make ethnic studies required in K-12 throughout Minnesota. Thank you to many of you who worked with us to support our efforts in the past. We will continue to call on CAAL leaders to support policies that help our students see themselves reflected in their coursework.
The Hmong Language Resource Hub is live!
Last week the National Hmong Educators Coalition’s launched the Hmong Language Resource Hub! This is a home for community-designed curricular units, teaching standards, and professional development. Everything is free and open-access. Visit
Historic Saint Paul Trivia Night with Ramsey County Historical Society
Tuesday, November 17, at 7:30 pm
Join Ramsey County Historical Society and Historic Saint Paul for a fun, online trivia event! All questions will highlight the history of their publishing program. Tune in to see if you can answer historical questions about our magazine, books, podcasts, authors, and more! The viewer contestant with the most correct answers will win a free book from RCHS! Register in advance for the zoom link.
Engage! Healthcare
Tuesday, November 17th, Thursday, November 19th or Tuesday, December 1st
from 6:00 PM to 8:30 PM
Blue Cross Blue Shield Minnesota and Marnita’s Table are hosting a series of online community engagement conversations on healthcare in MN. Share your needs and experiences with the Minnesota largest healthcare provider to help them improve their healthcare service for everyone in the state in MN. Event is free and dinner or a gift card will be provided for your household if you RSVP in advance!