December 7, 2020 to December 11, 2020

On November 19, 2020, the Department of Homeland Security proposed a new rule to further punish those with old removal orders. This proposed rule would ban their ability to obtain a work permit and provide for their families. Take action now and join us in opposition to this rule!
The state of the U.S. immigration system has dramatically transformed under the current administration. In the wake of the pandemic, there were 63 executive actions on immigration, virtually increasing deportation enforcement and significantly decreasing humanitarian and legal U.S. entry. While the harm caused to our communities will never be undone, we must do what we can to take care of each other.
Last month, the American people voted, rejecting the 400+ anti-immigrant policies of the current administration. Yet, in the waning hours of their term, this administration continues to push their xenophobic agenda by publishing a flood of new regulations.
Join us in opposition to this proposed rule and submit a public comment today.
Jenny Srey
Lead Organizer, Safe & Welcoming Communities

Soft Launch: Redefining Wealth Through Communal and Cultural Assets
Tuesday, December 8, 2020 from 4:00 PM to 4:30 PM
In the last two years, CAAL has been conducting a quantitative and qualitative report on the economic state of Asian Minnesotans and what intergenerational wealth building looks like. We are very excited that we are in the final stages of our economic report entitled: Redefining Wealth through Communal and Cultural Assets. Join us this afternoon for our Facebook live soft launch, where we will highlight key findings of our research and invite you to our official launch on Wednesday, January 20, 2021!
State of Asian Minnesotans: Rising Up Together
Thursday, December 10, 2020 from 3:00 PM to 4:30 PM
The current state of our country demands that we act intentionally to rise up together. Let’s explore solutions that change how we envision community-care and ensure that resources are accessible to our most vulnerable communities. We will hear from Karen leaders, one of the more recent refugee groups to Minnesota, about how they are building their community in the face of many challenges. We will also discuss themes from webinars, highlighting historic moments that demonstrated how we have risen up together against oppressive systems that harm our communities. Your participation will help us develop tangible steps towards building a thriving Asian Minnesotan community. Register today!
Request for Proposals – Partnership Management Services
The LinkingLeaders Partnership is soliciting proposals from qualified consultant(s) to provide overall management and support for its Partnership work from January – May, 2021. Click here to see submission guidelines and requirements.
Proposals must be emailed to by 5:00 PM CST on Friday, December 18, 2020 to be considered.
Request for Proposals – #PaperCraneWish Installation Artist
CAAL invites artists or artist teams to submit qualifications and concept proposals for the opportunity to:
- Design and fabricate a free-standing transportable paper crane art installation using the paper cranes that community members folded as part of CAAL’s #PaperCraneWish Campaign,
- Fold additional required paper cranes needed to complete the art installation,
- Produce digital aspects of the paper crane installation for CAAL’s use, and
- Support CAAL in speaking about the art installation.
Click here to see submission guidelines and requirements.
Please submit all materials to by 5:00 PM CST on Friday, December 18, 2020.
City of Minneapolis Asian Pacific Islander, South Asian, Asian American Trans/GNC City of Minneapolis Listening Session
Monday, December 14, 2020 from 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM
The City of Minneapolis’s Division of Race & Equity has built a trans equity work plan for the City, and wants to create spaces specific to identities within trans/GNC community to hear feedback on both 1) the work plan and 2) what alternatives to policing, and community safety, should look like. Serena Hodges (they/them) from Asian American Organizing Project will facilitate the space, and Track Trachtenberg (they/them), Trans Equity Project Coordinator in the Division of Race and Equity, will give an update on the current trans equity work plans at the City of Minneapolis, as well as the current work to develop alternatives to policing, and other work happening outside of the City as well. Participants will be compensated with a $25 Visa gift card and a rainbow mask. Please register in advance.
Early Childhood Learning Vouchers
Parents/caregivers of children ages 0-5 who have been impacted by closures or reduced early childhood learning/child care hours due to COVID-19 are invited to apply for $300 voucher to purchase early childhood education products to help provide learning opportunities at home. Vouchers are available to purchase products from Lakeshore Learning.
There are a limited number of vouchers available. Apply here.