January 18, 2021 to January 22, 2021
Dear Community,
We are definitely living in trying times. With Inauguration Day tomorrow and everything happening across our nation, I, like many of you, am frustrated and uncertain. But as I reflected yesterday on MLK Day, I’m reminded that he once said, “change does not roll in on the wheels of inevitability, but comes through continuous struggle.” We are living in the middle of that struggle now. And I’m reminded that through this struggle, comes the power to shape our own destiny. So no matter what happens tomorrow, this month, or this year, we will always have that power within us and we will always use it to fight for justice and liberation.
In solidarity,
Nick Kor
Senior Manager of Movement Building

Research Briefing: Redefining Wealth Through Communal and Cultural Assets
Wednesday, January 20, 2021 from 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM CT
We are pleased to invite you to join us tomorrow for the official launch and briefing on the findings of our recently published economic research report on Asian Minnesotans and wealth building entitled, “Redefining Wealth Through Communal and Cultural Assets.” This first research of its kind was conducted with communities from 10 different Asian ethnic groups and offers a deeper look at practices and values that drive wealth building in this population. At this event, we will go in-depth about the research findings. You’ll then hear from leaders working on wealth building from various angles who will react to and share how they imagine using the research findings.
Featured Speakers:
- Tawanna A. Black, CEO, Center for Economic Inclusion
- Alene Tchourumoff, Senior Vice President of Community Development and the Center for Indian Country Development, Federal Reserve Bank
- Leona Thao, MPP, report author
- Bruce Corrie, PhD, Associate Vice President for Government & Community Relations Professor of Economics, Concordia University
Please register in advance for the event here.
CAAL Media Consultant – Request for Proposals (RFP)
Project Timeline: The project timeline is January – June 30, 2021.
Proposal Deadline: All proposals must be sent via email to Nick@caalmn.org by Friday, January 22, 2021, at 11:59 PM CT.
We seek an experienced media consultant to support our communications work to build power narratives that have the potential to ensure systems become more inclusive and equitable for Asian Minnesotans. The consultant will work with our team to develop relationships with mainstream and ethnic media, pitch stories, write op-eds, and pursue other strategies to ensure our community’s stories and solutions are covered.
Please help us spread the word! See full RFP here.
Education Work Group Meeting
Wednesday, January 27, 2021 from 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM CT
We invite you to register for our first Education Work Group meeting of the year. Our guest speakers this month are Justice Alan Page and Neel Kashkari. They are joining us to present on the Page Amendment, and the upcoming campaign. Participants will have the opportunity to learn more about the campaign and there will be an opportunity for questions and comments. We look forward to seeing you there! Please register in advance.
Paycheck Protection Program: Opens Today for All Lenders
The Paycheck Protection Program opens today Tuesday, January 19, 2021 for all lenders, after being open exclusively to community & smaller lenders since the program restarted last week. This means, starting today, both first- & second-time borrowers should be able to apply with any participating lender. Learn more here.
Racial Equity Virtual Town Hall
Tuesday, January 19, 2021 from 4:00 PM to 5:30 PM CT
In honor of the Fifth Annual National Day of Racial Healing, join a virtual town hall to learn about Ramsey County’s racial equity efforts and strategies. The town hall will include opportunities to ask questions and provide input regarding racial equity initiatives in Ramsey County. All are welcome. Please share with your network.
For more information visit: https://www.ramseycounty.us/content/racial-equity-virtual-town-hall
Tell the Minneapolis Fed: Current conditions at your business!
Please take this 5-minute survey to help the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis better understand effects of economic stress from COVID-19 on businesses. With other business voices from across the Ninth District, your input will help the Federal Reserve System shape monetary policy to help businesses survive this economic shock.
ReleaseMN8 now hiring a Community Powerbuilder
ReleaseMN8 is looking for a passionate and energetic Community Powerbuilder/Lead Organizer to join our team. Working one on one with people facing detention/deportation and their loved ones, the Community Powerbuilder will empower impacted people to fight their cases, advocate for themselves, shape their own narrative in the media, and exercise their Right to Stay by connecting individuals and families with the information, resources, and connections necessary to fight their cases.
Applications will be accepted until Monday, January 25, 2021. For more information, click here.
More Than a Single Story: Healing the Pain of 2020
Wednesday, January 27, 2021 from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM CT
In this More Than a Single Story free online course, Black, Indigenous, and People of Color healers discuss the traumas of 2020 and the role that healing plays in communities of color – from the changing needs of clients due to COVID-19 to the murder of George Floyd.
- Ihotu Jennifer Ali, a founding member of the Minnesota Healing Justice Network
- Janice Bad Moccasin, traditionally and spiritually based healer from Dakota/Lakota grassroots
- Didi Koka, MD, poet and Medical Director of HCMC East Lake Clinic
- Houa Lor, Hmong Shaman
- Resmaa Menakem, author of My Grandmother’s Hands
- Sun Yung Shin, poet, biodynamic craniosacral therapist, and Reiki practitioner
Event is free. Please RSVP in advance.